Midsummer Night's Dream - The Tale

In the forest, Oberon, king of fairies, and his queen Tatania, vie for the attention of Puck’s new friend, a changeling. In attempt to have all the changeling’s time for herself, Tatiana hurries away with the magical child; prompting Oberon to plot for revenge.
Watching close by, two young couples navigate their own quirks of confused and fickle desire when both men mystically fall in love with one of the two women.
Still concerned of his queen’s rivalry, Oberon sends his servant Puck, to find a basket of “Love in Idleness.” A magical berry where if squeezed on sleeping eyelids, the juice will force its victim to fall in love with the first thing they see when awoken. His plan to embarrass Tatiana with a spellbound fate.
With frolicking fairies, a Faun named Bottom happens on the scene. Puck casts a spell, transforming Bottom’s head into that of a donkey and lures him to a sleeping Tatiana. Upon waking, Tatiana falls hopelessly in love with the creature.
As biproduct of her altered fate, Tatiana falls on the compromise to split the changeling’s time with Oberon. Having taken in interest in the lovers, Oberon instructs Puck to use the rest of the berry juice to resolve the young couple’s romantic entanglements. Although meddlesome, Puck is to thank when harmony is finally restored in the fairy Kingdom.